LSU Groundnut

(Apios americana) -Full to Part Sun–  Large edible tubers, nitrogen fixing, attractive, frangrant flowers.

An improved variety of a native plant developed at LSU. There are reports of the tubers reaching the size of basketballs, but they will likely be smaller in our climate. Wait at least 2 years before first harvest. Tubers and seeds are both edible, and have high protein content for a tuber (17%). Prefer rich, well drained soil. Flowers are fragrant, very pretty, orchid like, smallish, and born in clusters.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant, Nitrogen Fixer  

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Improved Maypop Passion Fruit

(passiflora incarnata) -Full Sun to part shade–  2×3″ flavorful seedy fruits, native, invasive vine. Self-fertile

Similar to the well-known tropical passion fruit–a perennial, very ornamental vine with showy, fringed, purple/white flowers all summer long.  Bumblebees and hummingbirds love them!  2×3″ oblong fruits turn yellow and often drop when ripe, and each contain a large amount of sweet-tart, apricot-flavored, seedy pulp.  Maypop is a native plant, but beware that it is very vigorous and invasive once established.  Plant it somewhere you can mow around it to keep it contained, as it will send out long runners underground.  A great choice for taking over a fence in the back corner of your yard or covering a hard-to-mow slope.  Maypop dies down to the ground in the winter and is late to emerge in the spring, so it is not the best choice for covering shade structures unless you only need late summer and fall shade.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Catawba Wine Grape

(Vitis spp.) -Full Sun– 

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Annanasnaya Female Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  Very productive, medium fruit size, later ripening than some, requires male for polination, zone 5-9

Late season.  Developed in Russia, known to be one of the most productive varieties.  Name means “pineapple-like” in Russian.   Steady producer and easy to grow.  Fruits are round-oblong, and very sweet.  Needs male for pollination.  Zones 5-8.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Kiwis for the North!  Not as large as the fuzzy kiwifruit, but with smooth, edible skin, much sweeter, and unbelievable flavor!  Taste almost perfumed with floral qualities.  Vines are breathtakingly beautiful with bright green leaves and red stems.  Trellis these in the garden or on your house for an edible and beautiful vine.  Can take shade but will fruit best in half-day to full sun (prefers afternoon shade if possible).  Vines grow fast and become very tenacious once established (‘Issai’ is somewhat smaller).   Needs sturdy trellis.   Male and female plants needed for pollination (except for ‘Issai’ which is self-fertile) but only one male needed for 8 females (keep within 50′ of male).  Space 15′ apart on trellis.

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Cayuga Wine Grape

(Vitis spp.) -Full Sun– 

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Issai Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  self fertile, semi dwarf, zones 5-9

Slightly smaller plant and self-fertile.  Fruits at a younger age than our other kiwis–often fruiting in their pots their second year.  Great for smaller trellises and where there is no room for a male as well.  Will produce more fruits with a male.  Green stems rather than red, so a little less showy but still gorgeous.  Fruits are longer and more “barrel shaped” than ‘Annanasnaya’, but still just as sweet and tasty.  Space 8′ apart on trellis.  Technically zones 6-9, but we’ve had zero issues with hardiness here in southern Indiana.

3” pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Changbai Mountain Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  Unique heart shaped fruit, requires male for polination, zone 4b-9

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Kiwis for the North!  Not as large as the fuzzy kiwifruit, but with smooth, edible skin, much sweeter, and unbelievable flavor!  Taste almost perfumed with floral qualities.  Vines are breathtakingly beautiful with bright green leaves and red stems.  Trellis these in the garden or on your house for an edible and beautiful vine.  Can take shade but will fruit best in half-day to full sun (prefers afternoon shade if possible).  Vines grow fast and become very tenacious once established (‘Issai’ is somewhat smaller).   Needs sturdy trellis.   Male and female plants needed for pollination (except for ‘Issai’ which is self-fertile) but only one male needed for 8 females (keep within 50′ of male).  Space 15′ apart on trellis.

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Ken’s Red Female Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  large Red fruit, requires male for polination, zone 4-9

Fruit red-skinned and red-fleshed when ripe.  One of the largest fruited hardy kiwis (still much smaller than fuzzy kiwis).  Sets large crops and may become alternate-year bearing for this reason (bears a crop every other year).  Needs male for pollination.  Zones 6-9.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Dumbarton Oaks Female Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  early ripening, requires male for polination, zone 5-8

One of the earliest ripening kiwis, about 3 weeks earlier than ‘Annanasnaya’.  Oblong, ribbed (like little pumpkins) very sweet fruits.  Needs male for pollination.  Zones 5-8.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Male Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  pollinator for all arguta kiwis, zone 4b-8

Pollinator for all our A. arguta varieties (all that we carry), not for A. kolomikta or A. deliciosa.  Grows as large as Annanasnaya but can be kept pruned back if you need the space.  Will not form fruit, solely for pollination.  Zones 5-8.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Fairchild Male Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  pollinator for all arguta kiwis, zone 4b-8

Pollinator for all our A. arguta varieties (all that we carry), not for A. kolomikta or A. deliciosa.  Grows as large as Annanasnaya but can be kept pruned back if you need the space.  Will not form fruit, solely for pollination.  Zones 5-8.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Carlos Muscadine

Vitis rotundifolia -Full Sun to Part Shade–  1/2″ bronze fruit with seeds. Very vigorous, super disease resistant. Self fertile. Good pollinator.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Muscadine grapes are native to the Southeast US. They love hot humid weather and don’t suffer from the diseases that plague european grapes. They are care free, super vigorous, have huge fruit, and are great for landscaping since the leaves stay glossy and attractive all summer long. So the downside… they tend to have thicker skins and seeds. The non-self-fertile female varieties have the best flavor (the others are good too), but need a self-fertile variety for pollination. Fruit is either black (dark purple) or bronze, and some sources say that you need a bronze self-fertile to pollinate a black female variety, and you need a black self-fertile to pollinate a bronze female variety. We are just on the northern edge of their range. We offer varieties that are bred for more cold hardiness and that have survived above the ground for us. These are large vigorous vines, so plant 15’ to 20’ apart

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Opitz Male Hardy Kiwi

(Actinidia arguta) -Full Sun to Part shade–  pollinator for all arguta kiwis, somewhat later flowering, zone 4b-8

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Darlene Muscadine

Vitis rotundifolia -Full Sun to Part Shade–  1 1/4″ bronze seeded fruit. One of the sweetest and best flavored muscadines for fresh eating. Very vigorous, super disease resistant. Female variety needs self-fertile for pollination

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Muscadine grapes are native to the Southeast US. They love hot humid weather and don’t suffer from the diseases that plague european grapes. They are care free, super vigorous, have huge fruit, and are great for landscaping since the leaves stay glossy and attractive all summer long. So the downside… they tend to have thicker skins and seeds. The non-self-fertile female varieties have the best flavor (the others are good too), but need a self-fertile variety for pollination. Fruit is either black (dark purple) or bronze, and some sources say that you need a bronze self-fertile to pollinate a black female variety, and you need a black self-fertile to pollinate a bronze female variety. We are just on the northern edge of their range. We offer varieties that are bred for more cold hardiness and that have survived above the ground for us. These are large vigorous vines, so plant 15’ to 20’ apart

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Nesbitt Muscadine

Vitis rotundifolia -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Black seeded fruit with excellent flavor, long ripening period. Very vigorous, super disease resistant. Self fertile.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Muscadine grapes are native to the Southeast US. They love hot humid weather and don’t suffer from the diseases that plague european grapes. They are care free, super vigorous, have huge fruit, and are great for landscaping since the leaves stay glossy and attractive all summer long. So the downside… they tend to have thicker skins and seeds. The non-self-fertile female varieties have the best flavor (the others are good too), but need a self-fertile variety for pollination. Fruit is either black (dark purple) or bronze, and some sources say that you need a bronze self-fertile to pollinate a black female variety, and you need a black self-fertile to pollinate a bronze female variety. We are just on the northern edge of their range. We offer varieties that are bred for more cold hardiness and that have survived above the ground for us. These are large vigorous vines, so plant 15’ to 20’ apart

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.