Native Eastern seedlings  Hazelnut

(Corylus americana) -Full sun to shade–  edible ornamental, 6-8′ tall with equal spread, plant two for pollination

A lovely landscape accent plant or hedge that also bears prolific crops of nuts. Since these are wild seedlings, the nuts are small compared to the improved filberts and the shells thicker. Nuts about the size of a pea when shelled out but very tasty and sweet!  Plants are a little slow to get going but really take off after their second year in the ground. Shrubby growth gets 6-8’ tall with equal spread.  Fall foliage is stunning with colors all over the spectrum.  Showy male catkins in the winter and spring. Immune to Eastern Filbert Blight. Plant two for pollination. Can take shade to full sun. Space 4-8’ apart.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

seedling of ‘Kanza’ Improved Northern Pecan

(Carya illinoisensis) -Full Sun to Part Shade–  plant two for pollination, height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide

Improved hardy pecan seedlings.  Pecans can be successfully grown in the North.  Smaller nuts than the Georgia papershell pecans, but still an amazing amount of nutmeat in very easy to crack shells.  Need 2 for pollination.   Height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide.  Should have no hardiness problems into zone 5.  North of that, plant at your own risk!

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

wild seedling Butternut

Juglans cinerea -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Also called white walnut. Milder taste than black walnut, similar otherwise. Plant two for pollination, height 40-60’ by 40’ wide

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

wild seedling Pecan

(Carya illinoisensis) -Full Sun to Part Shade–  plant two for pollination, height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide

Pecans can be successfully grown in the North.  Smaller nuts than the Georgia papershell pecans, but still an amazing amount of nutmeat in very easy to crack shells.  Need 2 for pollination.   Height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide.  Should have no hardiness problems into zone 5.  North of that, plant at your own risk!

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Seedling American x Chinese Chestnut

(Castanea dentata X mollissima) -Full to Part Sun–  Seedlings from 15/16th American blight resistant crosses. Not all will be resistant.

Seedlings from blight resistant crosses (natural Non-GMO), parents were 15/16 American, and exhibited American chestnut growth form (tall timber type). Only a small percentage of these seedlings will be totally blight resistant, so plant a lot of them and be part of the movement to bring back America’s majestic chestnut tree!

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

seedling of ‘Starking Hardy Giant’ Improved Northern Pecan

(Carya illinoisensis) -Full Sun to Part Shade–  plant two for pollination, height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide

Improved hardy pecan seedlings.  Pecans can be successfully grown in the North.  Smaller nuts than the Georgia papershell pecans, but still an amazing amount of nutmeat in very easy to crack shells.  Need 2 for pollination.   Height 30-50’ by 25-35’ wide.  Should have no hardiness problems into zone 5.  North of that, plant at your own risk!

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Pyramidal Form male Ginkgo

(Ginkgo biloba) -Full Sun–  12′ tall x 4′ wide, non-fruiting

Popular specimen tree.  We are not selling this tree as ‘Gold Spire’ because it is a trademarked name, but if you want to see what it looks like you can google that name 😉  This tree has a unique tall, narrow pyramidal form, with a tight, dense growth habit. 10-12’ tall x 3-4 1/2′ wide in 10 years.  Zones 4-9.

Quart pots $16, Gallon* pots $24, 2-Gallon* pots $36


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Salem Lady Female Ginkgo

(Ginkgo biloba) -Full Sun–  Full size on Seedling Rootstock, Up to 30′ tall, needs male to pollinate

Improved nut producing variety.  Slow growing up to 30′ tall.  Zones 5-8.

Quart pots $16, Gallon* pots $24, 2-Gallon* pots $36


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Seedling Ginkgo

(Ginkgo biloba) -Full Sun–  may be male (non fruiting) or female

Seedlings may be male (non fruiting) or female

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Seedling Heartnut

(Juglans ailantifolia) -Full to Part Sun–  Attractive spreading growth, height 30′, vigorous fast grower, self fertile

After trying my first heartnuts straight from the tree at a local Amish farm, I was impressed!  I lightly brushed off the husk, tapped the shell with my pocketknife on a fencepost and “ding!” the shell came apart in halves and the whole heart-shaped nut fell out intact.  Add to this the flavor that was like a sweeter cross between English/black walnuts and you get one incredible nut!  Anyone who has dealt with the difficulty of black walnut processing will love this change of pace.  Heartnuts are smaller trees, spreading more to make an attractive yard tree with white bark like English walnuts.  I’ve seen a few plants at various spots and they are all growing incredibly fast, putting on 4’ a year.  Somewhat self-fertile.  Seedlings are variable in nut size and may not be a true heart-shape.  Full to part sun; Zone 5-8.  Height 30’

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Jawtak Seedling Shellbark Hickory

Carya laciniosa x -Part Sun–  Local selection by Don Compton, improved nut size. Plant 2 for pollination

Parent tree was selected by Don Compton from seedlings collected on Jawtak farm in Crawford County, IN.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Dupont Seedling Hickory

 -Part Sun–  Local selection by Don Compton, improved nut size. Shagbark cross. Plant 2 for pollination

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

improved seedling Black Walnut

Juglans nigra -Full to Part Sun–  Seedling of ‘Thomas Meyer’ Black walnut. 40’+ tall plant 2 for pollination

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Seedling Butternut

 -Full to Part Sun–  Local selection by Don Compton, improved nut size. Plant 2 for pollination

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

(Improved variety) seedling Chinese Chestnut

(Castanea mollisima) -Full to Part Sun–  Spreading growth, height 30-50′, plant two for pollination

Seedlings from improved varieties.  These beautiful spreading trees produce loads of large nuts at a younger age than most nut trees.  Leaves glossy green.  Beware the husks which are incredibly spiny (like a sea urchin), use gloves to get out any nuts that don’t drop free.  But slice a cross in the hull, roast over a fire, peel and dip in melted butter—you’ll have a treat that will warm you up quick on cool fall/winter evenings!  Unique for their starchiness amongst nuts—a tree-based carbohydrate source.  Immune to chestnut blight.  Prefers acidic soils—never put lime around a chestnut tree!  Plant two for pollination.  Full to part sun; Zone 4-8.  Height 30-50’

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.