wild Plum

(Prunus Americana) -Full Sun–  Full size on own roots (not grafted), plant two for pollination. disease resistant

These seedling trees are extremely disease-resistant and set bumper crops of golf-ball sized fruit every two years.  In between years get a smaller crop.  The fruit is red-skinned and yellow fleshed and glows when the sunlight hits it!  It is delicious eaten straight off the tree with a slight astringency that comes through delightfully in wine made from these fruits.  The roots will sucker so if you do not mow around them, they will eventually form a clonal “grove” of plums for you!

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Sam Sweet Cherry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Semi-Dwarf on Krymsk 5, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Early season (early July).   Very dark, almost black fruit with a deeper flavor than other sweet cherries.   Blooms late.   Resistant to cracking and bacterial canker.   Zone 5-9

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


While sweet cherries are savored by everyone for their meaty, rich and juicy flesh, they are more difficult to grow without synthetic sprays than sour cherries. The fruit is prone to brown rot, often starting on split fruits. Insect pests (and birds) are also drawn to the fruitlets. Sweet cherries in southern IN sometimes miss a crop from blooming too early and having the blossoms killed by heavy frost. Still, they are somewhat easier than apples and plums, similar in ease of growing to peaches. We have sought varieties and rootstocks that will give you the best chance of success in our region. Grafted on Krymsk 5 which is a vigorous, early bearing, semi-dwarfing rootstock for cherries. It performs incredibly well in poor, heavy clay soils and can be kept at 12-15’ for easier picking! Space sweet cherries 15’ apart. gallon pot* $16 +tax

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Montmorency Sour Cherry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Full Size on Mazzard, space 12′-16′ apart, self fertile

mid-July.   Amarelle-type (yellow flesh, clear juice).   A well-known and time-tested variety which is still grown commercially.  Very similar to ‘Northstar’, but tree grows larger (16’) and is more vigorous.   Space 12-16’ apart. Self fertile

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Northstar Sour Cherry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Dwarf on Mazzard, space 6′-10′ apart, self fertile

July. Morello-type (red flesh, red juice).   A natural dwarf, reaching only 8-10’ at maturity.   Cherries are large and bright red.   ‘Northstar’ is a perfect edible landscaping plant due to it’s small size, low care and beautiful blooms and fruit.   Space 8-10’ apart. Self fertile

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Honeysweet Pear

 -Full Sun–  Full Size on Seedling Root Stock, space 15′-20′ apart, needs pollinator

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Carmine Jewel Sour Cherry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Bush form 6-8′ tall, space 5′-7′ apart, self fertile

August.  (dark red flesh and juice)  We are VERY excited about this newer offering.  It is a natural (non-GMO) hybrid cross between sour cherries and bush cherries, which gives it a very manageable size (6-8′ tall) and great disease and insect resistance. AND it is SWEET – great for fresh eating.  Very productive.  Fruit keeps well on the bush, provided you protect it from birds and neighborhood kids :).  Best flavor is reached a few weeks after the fruits turn red – they’re not really ripe until they are dark red-black.  Self fertile

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Honeysweet semi-dwarf Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Late September.  Many nurseries claim that ‘Seckel’ pear is very fireblight resistant; however we lost ours and two other friends in southern IN lost theirs to the 2012 fireblight epidemic.  One of these friends has a ‘Honeysweet’ pear right next to the spot where the ‘Seckel’ was and it went through that blight year just fine.  With that real-world experience, we are now offering ‘Honeysweet’ in place of ‘Seckel’.  It’s fruit is very similar to ‘Seckel’ with buttery-smooth, chewy flesh, tender skin and a lightly spicy, cinnamon flavor; but it is a little larger in size.  Supposedly self-fertile, though it will bear more with a second variety.

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Keiffer semi-dwarf Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Late September.  Large golden-yellow fruit with slight russeting and sometimes an orange/red blush.  Incredibly juicy, very course-textured flesh which is where its nickname “sand pear” comes from.  For fresh eating, some folks adore them and others turn up their nose at the gritty flesh.  They have a deep flavor with a hint of astringency which I find refreshing in a world of very mild, sweet pears.  Exceptionally good as dried pears and make good preserves.  Probably the best thing about them is their long-known trait of being able to thrive in almost any conditions–they are pretty much immune to insect and disease troubles.  Some nurseries claim that Keiffer is self-fertile but we have not been able to substantiate that.

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Gold Sweet Cherry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Semi-Dwarf on Krymsk 5, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Mid season (mid July).   It is believed that birds will not bother sweet cherries that are fully yellow when ripe, and ‘Gold’ is just that!   Apparently even the blushed varieties like Emperor Francis can be prone to bird predation.  This is an easy to grow large gold cherry that is cold hardy and a good pollinator for other varieties.  Supposedly resistant to brown rot and fruit cracking.  Zone 5-8 

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Korean Giant semi-dwarf Asian Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Mid October.  Also known as ’Olympic’, this is the huge, russeted, olive-green skinned, softball-sized pear one finds in natural food stores and international grocery stores.  Very crispy and juicy, and long storing for a pear.  Requires a long season to ripen—fine in our area, but no guarantees for further north.  Slightly more insect and disease resistant than ’Shinseiki’.

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Potomac Pear

 -Full Sun–  Full Size on Seedling Root Stock, space 15′-20′ apart, needs pollinator

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Potomac semi-dwarf Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Red Bartlett semi-dwarf Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

 Late August.  Striking red-skinned sport of Bartlett, this is the red pear you see at the grocery store.  Actually a little sweeter, higher sugar content than regular Bartlett.  Slightly less vigorous growth.  Not fireblight resistant but we wanted to offer some all-red pears for trial. 

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Red Clapps (Kalle) semi-dwarf Pear

 -Full Sun–  Semi-Dwarf on OHXF 333, space 12′-16′ apart, needs pollinator

Mid-August.  Large all-red fruit with pure-white grit-free flesh.  A sport of the well-loved ‘Clapp’s Favorite’ pear.  Early-season ripening.  Not fireblight-resistant. 

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Seedling Pear (not grafted) Pear

 -Full Sun–  Full size on own roots, space 15′-20′ apart, need 2 for pollination

Sourced from our Korean Giant fruits and local wild keiffer types.  NOT grafted so every one is a surprise 🙂 These will have a variety of different fruit shapes, sizes, and flavors.  Start your very own new variety!  These would also be great full-size rootstock to graft onto–they’ll get anywhere from 20′-40′ tall.

Gallon* pots $24, 2-gallon* pots $36, 4-gallon* pots $48


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.