Lubimi Hardy Pomegranate

(Punica granatum) -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Zone 7 (or protected areas in zone 6), self fertile, but best with a pollinator

These are Russian-bred varieties that have more cold-hardiness than most pomegranates–worthy of trial in our area.  Lubimi is also sold under the trademarked name ‘Favorite’.  Pomegranates have gorgeous, red-tinged new growth and glossy green leaves all summer.  Tight, shrubby growth.  Long bloom season in early summer of big red ruffly flowers like a poppy.  Supposedly a zone 7 plant —best in a protected spot, but we as well as another local friend have had good success with them for several winters here in zone 6.  Their tops often die back to the ground, but most have come back from their roots with good vigor in the spring.  In mild winters they survive fully aboveground and those are the years you can get fruits.  We harvested 5 baseball-sized fruits from our Salavatski in the fall of 2013–they were delicious!

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Pollinizer Haskap Honeyberry

(Lonicera caerulea) -Part Afternoon Shade–  3/4″ long sweet-tart berries, 4-6′ tall. Long bloom time pollinates all other varieties well. Could be the same as Czech 17.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Chicago Hardy Hardy Fig

(Ficus carica) -Full to Part Sun–  Fruits on current year’s growth, purple-skinned fruit

 Produces medium-sized purple-skinned fruits with bright pink/red flesh.  Has a sweet, peach-like flavor when fully ripe.   Originated in Chicago, attesting to its hardiness! 

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


We have been successfully growing figs in USDA Hardiness zone 5/6 for the past five years. Each year the figs die back almost to the ground but then come back up ready to go in late spring each year (sometimes as late as the end of May – don’t give up on them!).  We have chosen varieties which yield two crops a year and therefore fruit on their first year’s growth.  In some years when winter has stuck around late, the figs have been slow to bud out and the big crops they set failed to ripen before fall frosts.  But getting fresh figs to feast on 2 out of 3 years is totally worth the few off years!  In addition, they are gorgeous landscape plants with their large lobular leaves.  Our plants reach around 8’ in height each year starting from the ground and form multi-stemmed bushes.  Fig leaves can be used to wrap meat and fish before grilling or broiling to impart a coconut-like flavor to the meat!  Though the plants are very drought-hardy, we have found that watering well during dry times helps the fig crop to ripen more consistently (it seems the plant will abort its crop to cope with drought).  Best in full sun, but can take half-day’s shade no problem.  Best in a location protected from the North and West (where winter winds come from).  Figs do not need a pollinator.  Space 5’-8’ apart in row. 

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Sweet Scarlet Goumi berry

(Elaeagnus multiflora) -Full to Part Sun–  1/4″ sweet-tart berries, ornamental 6-8′ tall shrub, very disease and pest resistant, nitrogen fixer, self fertile

Another nitrogen-fixing shrub, though it is not a legume.   Very similar to autumn olive, though it is smaller in stature, has bigger berries borne in spring, and is not known to be expansive (invasive).   Thorny-stemmed bush to 8’ tall, covered with abundant early flowers that cast a strong floral fragrance.   These are followed by oblong, silvery-red, juicy 1/2” berries that have a soft, chewable seed in the center (interesting side note that this seed is very rich in healthy oils).   They have a flavor like a tart cherry mixed with apple and are the first berries to ripen here.   Fully self-fertile.  

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

, Nitrogen Fixer  

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Cinderella Haskap Honeyberry

(Lonicera caerulea) -Part Afternoon Shade–  1″ long sweet-tart berries, 4-6′ tall

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Indigo Treat Haskap Honeyberry

(Lonicera caerulea) -Part Afternoon Shade–  1″ long sweet-tart berries, 4-6′ tall

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Cameo Flowering Quince

Chaenomeles x superba -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Very beautiful coral pink double flowers mid spring, easy care shrub up to 4-5′ tall, 2″ fruits.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Toyo Nishiki Flowering Quince

Chaenomeles japonica -Full Sun to Part Shade–  Very beautiful reddish pink & white double flowers early spring, easy care shrub up to 8′ tall, 2″ fruits.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Marge American/European Hybrid Elderberry

 -Full Sun to Part Shade–  High Yielding, larger improved fruit quality, wet-loving, SELF FERTILE, may not pollinate others?

 High Yields and superior fruit quality.  Elderberries are nutritional and medicinal powerhouses, having both antibacterial and antiviral properties, immune boosting properties, and loads of vitamin C.  Needs another American Elderberry for pollination, such as ‘Wyldewood.’  Prefers full sun but can take some shade.  Flexible on soil requirements but thrives in moist, fertile soils.  Height and width about 8′.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Abou George Hardy Fig

(Ficus carica) -Full to Part Sun–  Syrian variety with dark skin

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Czech 17 Haskap Honeyberry

(Lonicera caerulea) -Part Afternoon Shade–  3/4″ long sweet-tart berries, 4-6′ tall. Long bloom time pollinates all other varieties well.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Gino’s Black Hardy Fig

(Ficus carica) -Full to Part Sun–  Dark skin with red flesh

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Svletlana Haskap Honeyberry

(Lonicera caerulea) -Part Afternoon Shade–  1″ long sweet-tart berries, 4-6′ tall

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Black Forest Hardy Fig

(Ficus carica) -Full to Part Sun– 

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Carmine Goumi berry

(Elaeagnus multiflora) -Full to Part Sun–  1/2″ sweet-tart berries. Slightly sweeter than ‘Sweet Scarlet’ and twice it’s size, but berries are softer. Ornamental 6-8′ tall shrub, very disease and pest resistant, nitrogen fixer, self fertile

Another nitrogen-fixing shrub, though it is not a legume.   Very similar to autumn olive, though it is smaller in stature, has bigger berries borne in spring, and is not known to be expansive (invasive).   Thorny-stemmed bush to 8’ tall, covered with abundant early flowers that cast a strong floral fragrance.   These are followed by oblong, silvery-red, juicy 1/2” berries that have a soft, chewable seed in the center (interesting side note that this seed is very rich in healthy oils).   They have a flavor like a tart cherry mixed with apple and are the first berries to ripen here.   Fully self-fertile.  

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

, Nitrogen Fixer  

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.