Celandine Poppy Stylophorum

Stylophorum diphyllum -Part to Full Shade–  NA Native Woodland Wildflower

This attractive woodland wildflower will grow well in zones 4-8 in with little to no care in rich woodland soils. It can tolerate drier, sunnier sites with some care. Bright yellow showy flowers bloom in April, and are followed by attractive fuzzy seed pods. After seeds drop out of its large, hairy pods, Celandine Poppy will go dormant. Seedlings will readily emerge everywhere if fresh seed is scattered on the soil surface. There is also a European species known as Celandine Poppy that is somewhat weedy and invasive. The two can be differentiated by their seed pods: the European has smooth pods.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Red Yarrow

Achillea millefolium -full sun to part shade–  beneficial insect attractor, herb

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Gold Yarrow

Achillea millefolium -full sun to part shade–  beneficial insect attractor, herb

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Dwarf Crested Iris

Iris cristata -Part to Full Shade–  NA Native wildflower

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Sensitive Fern

Onoclea sensibilis -Part Sun to Full Shade–  NA native fern for clay soil, vigourous groundcover 12-24″ tall

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Northern Blue Flag (iris)

Iris versicolor -Full sun to part Shade–  NA Native wildflower, Medium to wet soil, raingardens, bogs, streams

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Eastern Red Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis -Part to Full Shade–  NA Native wildflower

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Mixed rock pink Dianthus

 -full sun to part shade–  edible flower

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Other Edible Flowers

 -Full Sun to light shade–  We stock a variety of edible flowers, mostly perennials – call or message for current stock availability

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Other Herbs

 -Full Sun to light shade–  We stock a variety of culinary and medicinal herbs – call or message for current stock availability

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

Emerald Carpet Raspberry

Rubus pentalobus -full sun to part shade–  Evergreen spreading ornamental groundcover. Rarely fruits but technically an edible ornamental.

3″ pots $4, Quart pots $8


Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.