Joan J Thornless Red Raspberry

(Rubus idaeus) -Full Sun–  thornless! Everbearing

Thornless, stout canes produce very large sweet berries. It is a primocane or “everbearing” type: will crop early summer and again in the fall if only the dead (second year) shoots are selectively pruned out every winter. Most market growers (including us) mow down the entire plant every winter, resulting in a heavier crop of high quality berries in the fall only. Red raspberries require a raised bed to thrive in our heavy clay.  Plant 1’-2’ apart in row; will fill in row with suckers in a year or two.  Does not need trellising.  Self fertile.

Quart pots $8, Gallon* pots $16

North American native plant,   

Availability of plants varies from day to day.  We rarely carry every size/price option listed at any one time.  Please call before you come to check availability.

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